
A Step By Step Guide to Our New Filtering Feature (Part 1)

A Step By Step Guide to Our New Filtering Feature (Part 1)

TimeTap Team

If we asked you for a list of the top 10 things that you prioritize in your life, we could be sure that your health would hit somewhere within this list (and hope so!) It’s summer here in the U.S., the weather can be hot, humid, dry, or stormy, but it’s still a great time to make time for keeping your physical, mental, emotional, and social health in shape.

Exercise appears to be on the rise in American routines. In fact, it has been reported that Americans tend to exercise more in the summer months than the winter months according to Additionally, it appears that more Americans are exercising on a regular basis every week “with 55.5% indicating frequent exercise in June 2015, more than in any month since Gallup and Healthways began tracking this metric in January 2008” ( This is great news, and we hope you’re making time to hit the gym, park, or boost your fitness at home.

Likewise, if you’re a fitness center franchise owner, personal trainer, or fitness instructor, in our post today, we’re going to provide a step by step guide of how our new filtering feature provides more convenience for your gym members, trainees, or students all the while helping them to reach their fitness goals. Our scheduling system now features a zip code filter to provide your members with additional scheduling convenience byallowing them to find your nearest location.

Let's jump right into the tutorial!

Use Zip Code Filter to Show Gym Members Your Nearest Location

Alleviate the extra steps of having gym members doing a Google Maps search to find your nearest gym or studio location with our zip code filter - a simple, but powerful tool.

How to Setup Zip Code Filtering in 8 Easy Steps

Step 1 - First, make sure that you're signed in to TimeTap's BackOffice, and then go to "Settings" > "Scheduler Rules & Logic".

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Step 2 - Next, click the "Edit" button.

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Step 3 - Then you'll be able to edit your Filter's Label, the Search Button Text, and add a Filter Hint if you would like to. Once you're happy with your settings, click the "Save" button.

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Step 4 - Now go to "Settings" and click on the "Locations" tab.

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Step 5 - Click on the "Location Filters" tab

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Step 6 - Click on the "Add New Filter" button.

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Step 7 - Enter in the zip codes that you would like to accept as filters when gym members search for a location closest to them. Once you've entered those, click "Save".

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Step 8 - Lastly, preview your web scheduler and once you're on the Location screen, you'll be able to see that clients can enter in a zip code to filter through multiple locations.

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And that is how you can conveniently show gym members, trainees, and or students your nearest location so that they can book your services or classes. Next week we're going to look at how clients can easily search for the staff member they desire to work with whether searching by certifications, training, or any criteria that your business specifies.

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